Did you know that pizza is one of the most photographed food on Instagram? We wanted to create that drool worthy image, so we reached out to our friend and Instagram influencer, Betsy Kennedy, to give us her expert tips. Take it away Betsy!

We all take photos of our food, but doing it well is a skill that takes practice and know-how. Fortunately, taking photos of your food doesn’t have to be intimating and you don’t need to spend last week’s paycheck on photography gear. Nail down these five rules and you’ll be a pro by dinnertime.

1. Find natural light. Lighting can be tricky. Balance the exposure of your photo by shooting outside or near a window. My favorite place to shoot is the deep windowsill in my living room around 6pm. The white paint on the window and walls reflect the light perfectly and the sun is just starting to set so I don’t end up with an overexposed photo. If your windows are getting too much direct sunlight, try hanging a white sheet over it to add some depth to your shot.


2. Stage your photo. Props like silverware, your girlfriend’s hand, or the crumbs that just fell on the table can bring a natural charm to your photo. When staging, keep it casual. A perfectly positioned napkin can translate as stuffy. Don’t panic when a bit of sauce dribbles off the plate. A “real life” scene that isn’t perfectly perfect creates a natural movement and tells a story.


3. Take photos with your iPhone. Bon Appétit just shot their latest issue with iPhones; if they can do it, so can you! No need to lug your big ol’ fancy camera around all day. The camera on your phone has a bunch of magical settings and edit options, plus it doesn’t weigh a gazillion pounds. If you’re planning on posting your pictures on Instagram, take the photos in the square frame setting in your camera. That way, there is no need for extra cropping during the editing process so the photo will look more natural.


4. Spray away! When you’re taking photos of fresh produce like berries or leafy greens, give them a little spritz of water. Any fine mist spray bottle will do. The added moisture can liven up your shot, bringing dull lifeless-looking produce to life, giving them a vibrant dewiness that says fresh.

5. Keep an eye on the clock. It’s easy to get lost in that one shot that you’re trying to capture just right. Remember that some plates are more time-sensitive than others. Ice cream is a ticking time bomb; you’ve got to make moves. If you want to shoot a pepperoni pizza cheese pull, you’ve got to do it while it’s hot. Other dishes like cookies or salad can wait.


You can follow me on Twitter and Instagram to stay up to date on my latest adventures! 


Thanks Betsy for sharing your photography knowledge with us! Amazing that all it can take is just 5 easys steps to shoot the image that makes all your followers drool. I know we're hungry right now...are you? Find a pizzeria or frozen pizza near you!

Be sure to follow Home Run Inn on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for more delicious food photography, news, and specials